I just read your awesome site on excuses, and it is by far one of the
best and funniest I have seen so far. In reading these, I didn't see a Excuse
Page for "why I ate that" I thought that would be a great one to have, since I
myself, being from a big family and then having one myself, have had to come up
with several of those "good reasons." Especially, when that last cupcake, cookie
or piece of fried chicken hiding in the back of the fridge has been devoured
within nano seconds of being put there.
Last night, when my husband asked me where that Pint of Snickers Ice cream went
to, I had to think of a good excuse in a hurry. I found your site later on that
evening and wished I could of had it right there for reference. That's why I
thought of the "Why I ate that" Site.
( Note: As you can tell this is an email I received and thought it would make a
great introduction to this page. Excuse # 1 is part of the intro. So friends
lets send some "why I ate that excuses" and get this page going! )
1. Anyways, I had come up with an excuse pretty fast.....I just said
- "Once I opened it up, I had to eat it, or it would of melted."
2. "Remember, around this time of year, Your Lactose exhibits an
uncanny ability."
3. I fell asleep and when I woke up, the dish ran away with the
4. "The dog did it."
5. "You should be proud, I am in Cannibal Anonymous, and this is real
progress for me!!"
6. "The ice cream lost its cool, so it chilled out.
7. "The upshot is, I've discovered Expiration dates are REAL."
8. "My mother shoved it down my throat because I was good." That was
one I used!
9. “The cookie box was right there and I suddenly fainted. Then when
I woke-up one of the cookies was gone! Just so that no-one suspects, I had
to eat the one next to it to make the box seem even”
Well friends this is all for now. I hope
you enjoy this place and please go to the
Submit Excuses
page and send your excuses in!
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