I'm surprised I never thought of this category when I
first started this web site. Plus I'm grateful to Cherie Corley for
suggesting this page. I think it's a great addition to this web site. I
also want to thank Cherie for submitting the 1st 25 excuses on this
page. So friends let's getting busy and add your excuses to this page!
1. Too tired and stressed.
2. I don't have any beer to concentrate on
the repairs.
3. I need to talk with my dad about this(
34 years old).
4. We don't have the money.
5. Can't think properly.
6. I'm having an anxiety attack.
7. I feel sick and going to pass out.
8. Let's talk about ideas ( no work still
gets done).
9. My truck broke down and it's in the
shop, it will have to wait.
10. Can't do this by myself and do
11. another job got lined up, not today no
12. I'm in a bad mood, can't talk about
13. The house is a piece of crap, why
14. I like working hard, I'm not afraid of
hard work (still nothing even started let alone completed).
15. I have arthritis.
16. My joints are feeling sore today and
every day.
17. I was thinking about planning about
that (12 years later).
18. I'm feeling horny and the mind has
shut down and still can't think.
19. I have worked 8 hours today.
20. There is too much work to be done,
that why even bother do it at all.
21. I have a head injury (of the last 15
22. My back is soar.
23. We don't have the right tool.
24. We need a wheel borough.
25. I'm so stressed out I can't even crap,
let alone think about the home repair.
26. The subcontractor ate bad oysters. He has been in the
27. I can do the job, but I don't know how.
28. I don't think the insurance will cover the mistakes I'm
gonna make.
29. Last time I used a hammer, I hit my thumb , twice
30. A Phillips screwdriver? I think I drank one before!
31. But honey, I do that all day at work, must I come home
and work , too?
Well friends this is all for now. I hope you enjoy this place and
please go to the Submit Excuses page and send your excuses in!
If you like this web site, please
Email a link to your friends.
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