We get hurt....we visit the doctor....they give us an excuse to
give to work. Well most of the time it's true but there are times that
we need one because we really didn't get hurt...your bad! So here's
where you can read the funny ones or people can send in the real ones
that other people can use, or turn in the outrageous ones they have
heard over the years. I noticed that a few people have reached this
place by looking up Doctor Excuses in search engines. So if it is here
maybe people will start submitting them. Please send some in!
For the Best Doctor's Excuses I've Ever Seen, Click the Banner Below.
Note from Madtbone: Hi friends, someone sent me in a doctor excuse form
that they made up. You can use it at your own risk. To view it and
possibly print it out, click on the link provided.
1. To whom it may concern. ______________ broke his femur
bone in half skateboarding in a empty swimming pool in a skateboard
park over the week-end and is in the hospital for a month and might
not be able to work for 6 months.
2. Your employee ______________ was riding his son's BMX
bike and broke is left ankle in two place and will be out of work
for 4 months.
3. _______________ broke his hand when he slugged the wall
because of a fight with his brother. He should be out of work for
about 6 weeks.
4. _______________ will not be able to work for 6 months
because she was riding on the back of a tandem bike and her husband
swerved a little to miss some water and ended up falling down and
breaking her pelvic bone.
5. This is a true, too....I went to a friend's house and was
playing with her puppy on the floor of her living room. When I
stood up, there was a fish hook embedded in my knee (her boyfriend
had dropped it or something.) Well, I went to the ER to get a
tetanus shot, not expecting any problems, got home, got sick as a
dog and missed work for three days!!! I haven't had a tetanus shot
since.... And I was wondering why they asked me if I needed a note
for work, glad I had it just in case.
6. My sister-in-law stayed with us a short time and hated to
help load the wood stove. So she claimed she went to the doctor and
he diagnosed her with poplaritis, she said it was from touching the
poplar wood. Funny thing is we never burn poplar. This excuse could
be used for many things, Teacheritis, custodialitis, bartenteritis
and so on.
7. When I Have a Doctors appointment ,and I do not feel like
going I say when I call the doctor to cancel: I am too sick to come
in to see you.
8. Here's one I've used with success. I live in San Diego
and there are a lot of Mexican restaurants here. When I don't want
to go to the doctor, etc, I call them and say that I had eaten some
Mexican food the night before and that I must have gotten some bad
(toxic) guacamole! Then I proceed to tell them how I was up all
night vomiting and having diarrhea!......Of course, I have to be
careful not to use this one too often! ;-)
9. Please excuse _________ for being absent yesterday she
went to her mother's doctor appointment with her ....the excuse was
from my doctor!
10. Certificate for school or work: _______________________
was under my care on ______________ he/she will be able to return to
school/work on ___________ doctor's
11. Certificate for school or work: _______________ was
under my care on May 20th 2000 he/she will be able to return to
School/Work on May 22nd 2000 Doctors Comments:
12. Dear Managers of Shoney's, Please Miss Cherri Carter
from being missing from work Saturday and Sunday. Her daughter Kiara
Carter had Surgery on her right ear. We had to take some tissue out
of her ear so she could of hear better.
Thanks, Dr. Reggie
13. On February 13,2001 Eunice Dotson was admitted in the
hospital because she was spotting and she is pregnant and she will
be out for three days. She will return on February 16,2001.
14. From my Doctor, 6/24/96: A. will be unable to attend to
her job duties for approximately 6 weeks. On June 22, she was using
a small vacuum to clean her motor home when the wand broke grabbing
her hair and knocking her unconscious. She was treated at the
___________________ Emergency Room for lacerations to the left side
of her head which required 9 stitches. She can return to work
earlier if she feels up to it but may not remember what she is doing
due to the rather severe concussion she sustained. I had my doctor
send me a copy of the letter since he mailed it to where I work, I
couldn't stop laughing since I rarely remember what I'm doing at
work anyway.
DOCTOR..." Here is a selection of supposedly true excuses for not
making a doctor's appointment.
"Please cancel my appointment as I am hanging onto themantelpiece with my kidneys."
"Please cancel my appointment as I am in bed under thedoctor."
"I could not have my feet done as I have had my kneeoperated on."
"I missed my appointment as I lost my card and did not findit until the plumber put in the new sink."
"I am sorry I missed my appointment as my daughter justwalked in from Africa."
"I could not attend as I was not feeling that day and had nobody to contact you."
"I was unable to keep my appointment as I had sore feet."
"Here with my appointment card which I failed to keepthrough diarrhea."
16. At my daughter's school, they are
required to participate in and parents are required to pay monthly
for a hot lunch program that I wouldn't feed a stray dog. This
year's doctor's excuse is that she had high cholesterol and is on a
monitored diet!
Well friends this is all for now. I hope you enjoy this place and
please go to the Submit
Excuses page and send your excuses in!
If you like this web site, please
Email a link to your friends.
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